Animatus News & World Report

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Animation Workshop Video Released Online!

2007 is the year of online video, and The Animation Workshop is jumping in whole hog!

Here's the all new extra-special Winter 2007 student reel:

The video was compressed using Quicktime's Ipod settings, and ooh-boy, does it look good! Anyone with the Flash plugin (and that's EVERYONE) can watch the January workshop cartoons right inside the Animatus Studio website. That means animated morphs, man-eating spiders, demons & devils, a stuntman with a motivation problem, plus zombies and a melting snowman.

It's set up as a playlist, which we'll be adding to it over time. There are a couple stand-alone student projects that would be good to upload, maybe even the Fall 2006 class. If I feel ambitious, the High Falls shorts and our news clips can go up, too. That way, the playlist won't seem so empty.

We're also available at YouTube and MySpace, by the way.